Ak gopalan biography

ak gopalan biography

A K Gopalan Biography Kerala - About A K Gopalan Life Photos

  • Ayillyath Kuttiari Gopalan, popularly known as A. K. Gopalan or AKG, was an Indian communist politician.
  • A. K. Gopalan - Profile, Biography and Life History | Veethi

      Ayillyath Kuttiari Gopalan (1 October 1904 – 22 March 1977), popularly known as A. K. Gopalan or AKG, was an Indian communist politician.

    Shyamala Gopalan - Wikipedia

      Ayillyath Kuttiari Gopalan (1 October – 22 March ), popularly known as A. K. Gopalan or AKG, was an Indian communist politician.

    എ.കെ. ഗോപാലൻ - വിക്കിപീഡിയ

  • Ayillyath Kuttiari Gopalan (1 October 1904 – 22 March 1977), popularly known as A. K. Gopalan or AKG, was an Indian communist politician.
  • In the Cause of the People: Reminiscences by A. K. Gopalan

    In the Cause of the People: Reminiscences by A. K. Gopalan
    ak gopalan malayalam A.K.
    a.k. gopalan psc A.
    susheela gopalan Autobiography of Ayillyath Kuttiari Gopalan, popularly known as AK Gopalan or AKG. He was an Indian communist politician who moved from Indian National.

      People's Democracy

    (Weekly Organ of the Communist Party of India (Marxist)
    Vol. XXVIII

    No. 40

    October 03, 2004

     Manini Chatterjee


    A K GOPALAN, a foremost mass leader of the communist movement in the country, was also a dedicated soldier in India’s freedom struggle against British rule. His transformation from a satyagrahi to a revolutionary is a fascinating story and in a microcosm reveals, as few individual experiences can, the strengths and weaknesses of the Mahatma Gandhi-led national movement. It shows how the movement galvanised and politicised a whole section of idealistic youth in the fight against imperialism but stopped short of taking up the demands of the mass of exploited workers and peasants – leading men of action and compassion like AKG to embrace revolutionary Marxism. Thus it was that A K Gopalan who spent many a year in British jails fighting for the country’s freedom, was still behind bars on August 15, 1947, this time at

    Facts on AK Gopalan tell a different story - Deccan Chronicle

      Autobiography of Ayillyath Kuttiari Gopalan, popularly known as A. K. Gopalan or AKG. He was an Indian communist politician who moved from Indian National.

    'ജലത്തില്‍ മീനെന്ന പോലെ' ജനങ്ങൾക്കിടയിൽ ജീവിച്ച എകെജി - a k ...

  • Autobiography of Ayillyath Kuttiari Gopalan, popularly known as A. K. Gopalan or AKG. He was an Indian communist politician who moved from Indian National Congress to Congress Socialist party to Communist Party of India (CPI) to Communist Part of India (Marxist) aka CPI(M) as his understanding of Socialism & Power improved.
  • A. K. Gopalan - Wikipedia

  • A.K.