Ck jaffer sharief biography of williams

ck jaffer sharief biography of williams

C K Jaffer Sharief: The man who tipped off Indira on Cong split

Veteran Karnataka Congress leader C K Jaffer Shareif passed away on Sunday at the age of

A well-known anecdote from the life of veteran Karnataka Congress leader C K Jaffer Sharief, who passed away on Sunday at the age of 85, is that he carried information regarding the impending split in the Congress in to then prime minister Indira Gandhi. As a young worker and driver at the Congress office in Karnataka, Sharief had overheard a conversation involving then Congress president S Nijalingappa’s plans to split the party.

The diehard Gandhi family loyalist would later become an MP eight times and rise to become the railway minister in the s. After winning his first election in , he would remain undefeated until — mostly from the Bangalore North constituency. He did not contest the Lok Sabha polls.

In the last decade of his life though, Sharief’s loyalty to the Congress showed signs of fraying, with the veteran leader t

C. K. Jaffer Sharief - Profile, Biography and Life History ...

    Challakere Kareem Jaffer Sharief (3 November – 25 November ) was an Indian politician.
From driving mentor's car to steering railways, tracing ...

CK Jaffer Sharief: From humble beginnings to Union minister

  • Shri C. K. Jaffer Sharief has been instrumental in the modernization of the Indian Railways during his tenure as Minister for Railways.
  • ck jaffer sharief daughter C.K Jaffer Sharief is the Congress candidate from Bangalore North, Karnataka.
    ck jaffer sharief family Jaffer Sharief started his career in the Indian National Congress under a split in the Congress, he took the side of Indira as Railways minister, he was instrumental in gauge conversion of railways in the state, where all or most of the different gauges of tracks were converted to broad gauges, and thereby saving Railways a lot of money.
    ck jaffer sharief driver Veteran Congress leader and former Railway Minister CK Jaffer Sharief, 85, was hospitalised after he collapsed while getting into the car for Friday namaz.

    C K JAFFER SHARIEF | About sharief


    Biography of C. K. Jaffer Sharief

      BENGALURU: A late-night trunk call to New Delhi in November went on to define the political career of CK Jaffer Sharief.

    C.K. Jaffer Sharief vs State (Thr C.B.I.) on 9 November, 2012

  • Challakere Kareem Jaffer Sharief (3 November 1933 – 25 November 2018) was an Indian politician.
  • C. K. Jaffer Sharief - Simple English Wikipedia, the free ...

  • After nearly six decades of association with the Congress, the party's old war horse from Karnataka C K Jaffer Sharief has quit the party.
  • CK Jaffer Sharief Dies: PM Narendra Modi, Rahul Gandhi ...

  • Shri C. K. Jaffer Sharief has been instrumental in the modernization of the Indian Railways during his tenure as Minister for Railways.
  • C K JAFFER SHARIEF | About sharief
