Guigo ii biography

guigo ii biography

Lectio Divina and Guigo’s Ladder for Monks

  • Guigo II, sometimes referred to as Guy, or by the moniker "the Angelic", was a Carthusian monk and the 9th prior of Grande Chartreuse monastery, from to.
  • Guigues II of Albon - Wikipedia

  • Guigo II, sometimes referred to as Guy, or by the moniker "the Angelic", was a Carthusian monk and the 9th prior of Grande Chartreuse monastery, from to He died most likely in [1] and is distinct from both Guigo I, the 5th prior of the same monastery, and the late thirteenth-century Carthusian Guigo de Ponte.
  • Ladder of Monks and Twelve Meditations: : Guigo II ...

  • (FR) Louis Moréri, Le Grand Dictionnaire Historique, Parigi, Jean-Baptiste Coignard, , p.
  • Guigo II

    Guigo II, sometimes referred to as Guy, or by the moniker "the Angelic", was a Carthusian monk and the 9th prior of Grande Chartreuse monastery, from 1174 to 1180.

    He died most likely in 1188[1] and is distinct from both Guigo I, the 5th prior of the same monastery, and the late thirteenth-century Carthusian Guigo de Ponte.[2]


    Not much is known about Guigo's life. In 1173, he is called a "monk and procurator" in an agreement between the Grande Chartreuse and the nearby abbey of Chalais. In the following year, he was made prior and is called as such in two papal bulls in 1176 and 1177. Around 1180, he opposed unsuccessfully the petition of king Henry II of England to have Guigo's successor as procurator, Hugh, to be sent to the newly founded Witham Charterhouse as prior. That same year, Guigo II was replaced as prior and his death is assumed to have been in 1188. Though not much else is known, Guigo enjoyed after his death among his co

    Guigo’s Ladder of Monks - Soul Shepherding

  • Guigo II, sometimes referred to as Guy, or by the moniker "the Angelic", was a Carthusian monk and the 9th prior of Grande Chartreuse monastery, from 1174 to 1180.
  • Guigo II - Wikipedia

    Guigo II - Wikiwand

      GUIGO II. Carthusian spiritual writer; d.

    Turning to Guigo II — Center for Action and Contemplation

      GUIGO II. Carthusian spiritual writer; d.
    founder of carthusians Guigo is a new mystic and teacher for me.
    is lectio 365 catholic Guigo II, sometimes referred to as Guy, or by the moniker "the Angelic", was a Carthusian monk and the 9th prior of Grande Chartreuse monastery, from 1174 to 1180.
    carthusian order history GUIGO II Carthusian spiritual writer; d.

    Turning to Guigo II — Center for Action and Contemplation

      Guigo II, sometimes referred to as Guy, or by the moniker "the Angelic", was a Carthusian monk and the 9th prior of Grande Chartreuse monastery, from to He died most likely in and is distinct from both Guigo I, the 5th prior of the same monastery, and the late thirteenth-century Carthusian Guigo de Ponte.

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      In this episode, Kirsten Oates and James Finley are turning to Carthusian monk Guigo II to discover the roots of contemplative practice with Guigo’s work on The Ladder of Monks.