Hazrat hamza biography in urdu

hazrat hamza biography in urdu

Hazrat Khadija Story In Urdu | حضرت خدیجہ کی شخصیت

    حمزہ نام، ابو یعلی اور ابو عمارہ کنیت، اسد اللہ لقب، آنحضرت ﷺ کے چچا تھے ، ماں کی طرف سے یہ تعلق تھا کہ ان کی والدہ ہالہ بنت وہب سرور کائنات ﷺ کی والدہ حضرت آمنہ کی چچا زاد بہن تھیں، پورا سلسلہ نسب یہ ہے، حمزہ بن عبدالمطلب بن ہاشم بن عبد مناف بن قصی ۔.

Al Islam

(Friday Sermon - May 4, 2018 )

For some time, in my sermons, I have been narrating the incidents from the lives of the Companions that included the Badri Companions [those who participated in the Battle of Badr] and some others as well. However, at first, I thought that I should only speak on those Companions, who participated in the Battle of Badr for they had a special rank. These were the people, with whom Allah the Exalted was pleased, and they attained His pleasure.


Today, I will speak about Hazrat Hamza(ra) bin Abdul Muttalib. A detailed account of him, in particular the way he converted to Islam, has been given in history and in the Ahadith. The same is true for the incident of his martyrdom.

He was known by the title of Sayyidush-Shuhadaa [The Chief of the Martyrs]. Asadullah [The Lion of Allah] and Asadur-Rasul [The Lion of the Prophet] were accolades also given to him.

Hazrat Hamza(ra) was the son of Hazrat Abdul Muttalib, the leader

mohrasharif.com - Sayidna Ameer Hamza - Urdu (سیدنا امیر حمزہ)

  • Biography Ahlul Bait Ridwan Prophets Aleyhisselam Seerah Sahabas Sufis Travelogue Sayidna Ameer Hamza - Urdu (سیدنا امیر حمزہ) Details.
  • Syedul Shohada Hazrat Ameer Hamza ,سیدالشہداء حضرت امیر حمزہ ...

      Biography Ahlul Bait Ridwan Prophets Aleyhisselam Seerah Sahabas Sufis Travelogue Sayidna Ameer Hamza - Urdu (سیدنا امیر حمزہ) Details.

    Sayyid al-Shuhada - Hamza ibn Abd al-Muttalib - Dawat-e-Islami

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  • Hamza ibn 'Abd al-Muttalib رضی اللہ عنہ was born in Mecca two years prior to the birth of the Prophet Muhammad صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم, thus he was very close to him.
  • hazrat hamza, wife name a foster brother, paternal uncle, maternal second-cousin, and companion of the Islamic prophet Muhammad.
    hazrat hamza death Syedul Shohada Hazrat Ameer Hamza,سیدالشہداء حضرت امیر حمزہ رضی اللہ عنہ, Hazrat Hamza, Ameer Hamza, Syedul Shohada, سید الشہداء امیر حمزہ بن عبدالمطلب، ، حمزہ اسد اللہ ورسولہ Collection islamic_studies; additional_collections Language Urdu Item Size 10.9M.
    hazrat hamza grave opened Hazrat Ameer Hamza R.A Ka Waqia | Hazrat Hamza R.A Ki Shahadat | Complete Story of Hazrat Hamza R.A Dear Viewers, Hazrat Ḥamza ibn ʿAbd.

    Syed Ul Shohada Amir Hamza By Abdul Hakeem - The Library Pk

  • Hazrat Amir Hamza embraced Shahadat in the war of Uhud.
  • Historical and Analytical Review of the Biography of Hazrat Hamza

      Syedul Shohada Hazrat Ameer Hamza,سیدالشہداء حضرت امیر حمزہ رضی اللہ عنہ by دکتورمسعود احمد، dr Masood Ahmad,,علامہ سید جعفر بن حسن عبد الکریم برزنجی علیہ الرحمہ, allama syed jafar barjanzi r.a.

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      Syed Ul Shohada Amir Hamza was the Uncle of the Holy Prophet PBUH.
    SAYED UL SHOHDA HAZRAT AMEER HAMZA سید الشہدا حضرت امیر حمزہ