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Geography Games: Capital Cities of South America

    Wikiduel is a collection of educational, multiplayer games built on the world's best community-supported repositories of knowledge.

World History Regions Quiz - PurposeGames

    Free education and learning games: IdeateGames is a free, non-commercial exploration of learning and games, with topics in science, history, and culture.

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    In Ducksters History, children can learn about significant events, important figures, and historical periods from ancient civilizations to modern times.

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  • World History Regions — Quiz Information.
  • Ducksters Activities and Games

  • Here is a free collection of eyewitness accounts from history such as quotes, photographs and audio/video footage.
  • Ducksters.com, The Educational Games Resource for Kids

    Ducksters: Engaging Educational Content for Kids

    Ducksters.com is a widely recognized educational website designed specifically for children. It offers a diverse range of games and content aimed at enhancing learning through fun and engaging methods. Established with the mission of making education accessible and enjoyable, Ducksters has grown into a popular website for kids, educators, and parents alike.

    Background and Mission

    Ducksters was created to provide a safe and reliable educational resource for children. The website covers a broad spectrum of subjects including history, science, geography, biography, and more. Its content is carefully curated to be age-appropriate, ensuring that children can explore and learn in a secure online environment. Ducksters aims to foster a love for learning by presenting information in a clear, concise, and interesting manner.

    Educational Content and Resources

    Ducksters offer

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    History and Biography Videos - Ducksters

  • Free education and learning games: IdeateGames is a free, non-commercial exploration of learning and games, with topics in science, history, and culture.
  • History Games - 33 Original, Interactive History Games

  • Games and Culture peer-reviewed and published quarterly, is an international journal that promotes innovative theoretical and empirical research about games.
  • Book Series: 39 Clues - Ducksters

      Ducksters was created to provide a safe and reliable educational resource for children.