La biografia de james hudson taylor biography

la biografia de james hudson taylor biography


    James Hudson Taylor (en chino, 戴德生) (21 de mayo de – 3 de junio de ) fue un misionero bautista inglés en China y fundador de la "Misión al Interior de China", MIC (China Inland Mission), conocido ahora como OMF Internacional.

A Biography of James Hudson Taylor

James Hudson Taylor was a British Protestant Christian missionary to China and founder of the China Inland Mission (CIM, now OMF International). Taylor spent 51 years in China. The society that he began was responsible for bringing over 800 missionaries to the country who began 125 schools[1] and directly resulted in 18,000 Christian conversions, as well as the establishment of more than 300 stations of work with more than 500 local helpers in all eighteen provinces.[2]

Taylor was known for his sensitivity to Chinese culture and zeal for evangelism. He adopted wearing native Chinese clothing even though this was rare among missionaries of that time. Under his leadership, the CIM was singularly non-denominational in practice and accepted members from all Protestant groups, including individuals from the working class, and single women as well as multinational recruits. Primarily because of the CIM's campaign against the opium trade, Taylor has bee

La conversión de Hudson Taylor ~ Teología Sana

    James Hudson Taylor (Chinese: 戴德生; pinyin: dài dé shēng; – 3 June ) was a British Protestant Christian missionary to China and founder of the China Inland Mission (CIM, now OMF International).

Hudson Taylor Biography - Sepoangol

  • biografia de hudson taylor ( – ) oct 15 publicado por operacionchina misionero inglÉs en china.
  • Hudson Taylor: El misionero que abrió el camino al Evangelio ...

    Hudson Taylor - Wikipedia bahasa Indonesia, ensiklopedia bebas

      Este es un breve resumen de la vida de Hudson Taylor.

    la biografia de james hudson taylor biography2

      Hudson & Maria Taylor en 1865.
    james hudson taylor iv James Hudson Taylor was a British Protestant Christian missionary to China and founder of the China Inland Mission.
    hudson taylor ministries Descendants of James Hudson Taylor continued his full-time ministry into the 21st century in Chinese communities in East Asia.
    who was hudson taylor's second wife James Hudson Taylor was a British Protestant Christian missionary to China and founder of the China Inland Mission (CIM, now OMF International).

    La Vida Hogareña de Hudson Taylor | Misiones Transculturales

  • biografia de hudson taylor (1832 – 1905) oct 15 publicado por operacionchina misionero inglÉs en china.
  • Hudson Taylor: vida y ministerio del gran misionero a la China, carousel

  • Taylor, founder of the China Inland Mission, was contained in two volumes.
  • Taylor, James Hudson (1832-1905) | History of Missiology

  • James Hudson Taylor was born on May 21st, 1832 in Yorkshire, England.