Mark regev is a liar a cheater

mark regev is a liar a cheater

Mark Regev Gets Told & Called a Liar by John Snow on Channel ...

    He is loved and loathed, but Israel's Mark Regev never loses control, writes Jason Koutsoukis.

Mehdi Hasan Grills Mark Regev About 'Endless Disinformation'

  • The most popular Facebook page dedicated to the Australian-born spokesman for the Prime Minister of Israel is titled: ''Mark Regev, you are a lying sack of shit''.
  • Note to Maak Regev: when all you're going to do is lie, obfuscate, change the subject, & then get angry when you get caught, then don't go.
    MSNBC's Mehdi Hasan interviewed Israeli official Mark Regev, who has been a fixture on U.S. cable news since Hamas carried out the Oct. 7 terrorist attacks in Israel.
    They lie, they cheat, they rape, they massacre, they burn, they kill JNS senior contributing editor Ruthie Blum and Mark Regev.

    PIPSQUEAK Cease and desist Little Eylon Levy, the liar’s liar ...

      MSNBC’s Mehdi Hasan interviewed Israeli official Mark Regev, who has been a fixture on U.S. cable news since Hamas carried out the Oct. 7 terrorist attacks in Israel.

    Behind the lines of Mr Cool - The Sydney Morning Herald

      Hasan, who worked at Al Jazeera before joining MSNBC, recently held a combative interview with Israeli advisor Mark Regev.

    Australian-Israeli Former Diplomat Mark Regev Under Trial for ...

      Mark Regev is a despised liar, and has been showing up in the media (why CNN and MSNBC keeps bringing out liars is hard to understand), to spew lies, and fool only the ignorant.

    Liberal MSNBC host Mehdi Hasan history of controversial rhetoric in spotlight amid hostile coverage of Israel

    MSNBC host Mehdi Hasan has been one of the strongest critics of Israel in the mainstream media during the ongoing Israel-Hamas war, but it's nothing new for the hard-left anchor who has never been shy about offering strident commentary.

    During the conflict, he has consistently voiced hostility toward Israel, which he has long opposed as an "illegal" occupying power of Palestinians. 

    While with The Intercept, he frequently blistered the country, blaming it for the rise of Hamas in the first place and defending the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement against its critics.

    While he has unapologetically been a critic of Israel and its handling of the war with Hamas in the Gaza Strip, he apologized in the past for comments a reporter resurfaced over the weekend.

    MSNBC host Mehdi Hasans problematic commentary continues to haunt him as he contributes to his n

    The Shift: Mehdi Hasan out at MSNBC – Mondoweiss

  • According to the laws of that country, what's the point of being in power if you can't cheat, lie, renege on agreements, catch as catch can.
  • Mark Regev, World's Best Known Spinner, In An Unwinnable War ...

  • He is a narc, a cheater and a terrible liar, I'm glad i found out all my husbands secrets and all he does with his friends when they go out.
  • Mark Regev - Wikipedia

  • MSNBC host Mehdi Hasan clashed with Mark Regev, an advisor to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, over civilian deaths and misinformation in the Israel-Hamas war.
  • Interview: Mark Regev - The Jewish Chronicle