Mostafa ronaghi biography of george

mostafa ronaghi biography of george

Pyrosequencing - Wikipedia bahasa Indonesia, ensiklopedia bebas

    Mostafa Ronaghi (Persian: مصطفی رونقی; born ) is an Iranian molecular biologist, specializing in DNA sequencing methodology.

Mostafa Mostafa Ronaghi, 55 - Atherton, CA - Has Court or ...

    Mostafa Ronaghi, Ph.D., joined Illumina in August As Senior Vice President and Chief Technology Officer, he is responsible for leading internal research and the Illumina accelerator program.
Mostafa Ronaghi biography.
Mostafa Ronaghi.
Prominent guest speakers examined the history of sequencing and how the technology has transformed the biological sciences over the past five decades.

Mostafa Ronaghi - Wikiwand

  • Biography: Mostafa Ronaghi Mostafa Ronaghi Mostafa Ronaghi, Ph.D., joined Illumina in August 2008.
  • Mostafa Ronaghi's Biography -


    Mostafa Ronaghi - Pixelgen Technologies

  • Mostafa Ronaghi is Senior Vice President and Chief Technology Officer of Illumina, Inc., a leading publicly traded, life sciences company.
  • Mostafa Ronaghi

    Iranian molecular biologist

    Mostafa Ronaghi (Persian: مصطفی رونقی; born ) is an Iranian molecular biologist, specializing in DNA sequencing methodology. He earned his Ph.D. from the Royal Institute of Technology in Sweden in

    As of [update], he is the Chief Technology Officer and Senior Vice President at Illumina.[1] Prior to this position, he was a principal investigator and Senior Research Associate at the Stanford Genome Technology Center at Stanford University, focusing on developing analytical techniques for molecular diagnostics.

    He is principal investigator for several grants including grants from the National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI), part of the National Institutes of Health[2] for the development of array-based Pyrosequencing.

    In , he described together with Pål Nyren and Mathias Uhlen[3] a solution-based variant of the pyrosequencing technology and co-founded Pyrosequencing AB (renamed t

    The history of next generation DNA sequencing - Genetics Unzipped

    IARPA/SRC DNA Workshop - Bio - Mostafa Ronaghi - SRC

  • Mostafa Ronaghi, Ph.D., joined Illumina in August As Senior Vice President and Chief Technology Officer, he is responsible for leading internal research and the Illumina accelerator program.
  • Mostafa Ronaghi - Co-Chairman, Scientific Advisory Board ...

  • Mostafa Ronaghi from Illumina will be one of our keynote speakers at ITF2017 Health (San Diego, Oct. 3).
  • Mostafa Ronaghi, Senti Biosciences Inc: Profile and Biography

      Mehdi Javanmard Paul and Mary Monroe Fellow, Professor, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ Verified email at