Nathan trantraal ingrid jonker biography

nathan trantraal ingrid jonker biography

Graphic Novels in South-Africa: the Work of Nathan Trantraal

Nathan Trantraal is one of the most versatile literary voices in South-Africa: he is the writer of poetry and graphic novels, a translator, illustrator, playwright, scenarist and columnist. He wrote three collections of poetry, four graphic novels and a collection of columns and essays. In March this year, his new graphic novel Die Man Wattie Kinnes Vang will be published. On 13 March, Trantraal will visit Leiden University to talk about his work.


Nathan Trantraal grew up near Cape Town, in an area where poverty and gang violence are the order of the day; those themes are present in his many-sided oeuvre. Just like his partner, the poet and novelist Ronelda S. Kamfer, who visited Leiden University Libraries earlier this year, he is a trailblazer for a new generation of Afrikaans-speaking writers from neglected communities. He is also a pioneer when it comes to using Kaaps as a literary language.


Nathan Trantraal (1983–) - LitNet

    Nathan Trantraal In 2008 publiseer Tafelberg die grafiese roman S tormkaap: Drome kom altyd andersom uit waarvan hy mede-outeur is.

Nathan Trantraal - Lapa

  • His debut, Chokers en survivors, was awarded the Ingrid Jonker Prize (2015) and an ATKV Woordveertjie for poetry (2014).
  • Ingrid Jonker Prize - Wikipedia

    Nathan Trantraal Archives - Versindaba

      Nathan Trantraal is the author of three poetry collections – Chokers en Survivors (), which won the AKTV Woordfees Prize and the Ingrid Jonker Prize; Alles Het Niet Kom Wôd (), which [ ].
    For his debut collection Chokers en Survivors, Trantraal received the Ingrid Jonker Poetry Award, and last year he won the Philida Literary.
    Nathan Trantraal is in 1983 in Kaapstad gebore.
    His debut collection, Chokers en survivors, was awarded the Ingrid Jonker Prize for Poetry (2015) and an ATKV Woordveertjie for poetry (2014).

    Nathan Trantraal - Versindaba

      Nathan Trantraal, ’n bekroonde Suid-Afrikaanse skrywer en digter, is in gebore.

    NB Publishers | Alles het niet kom wôd

  • He is a poet, cartoonist, translator, screenwriter, and editor, originally from Cape Town.
  • Books by Nathan Trantraal -

      Nathan Trantraal Hy is tans een van die opwindendste jong stemme op die Afrikaanse literêre toneel.

    Nathan Trantraal: Die gesinsman agter die vlymskerp pen

  • Published by Kwela in , the book went on to win the Ingrid Jonker Prize which is awarded annually to an Afrikaans or English debut poetry collection.
  • Nathan Trantraal: Winner of the Philida Literary Award in 2023

  • Nathan Trantraal is a poet, cartoonist, translator, playwright, screenwriter, short story author, and columnist.