One rupee coin autobiography sample

one rupee coin autobiography sample

Write an autobiography of a One Rupee Coin [PDF Available]

  • I met some of my long lost relatives there.
  • Latest Essay, Paragraph on “Autobiography of A Coin” Article ...

  • In this article, I’ll show you an example of an autobiography writing of a one rupee coin.
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      I am a one-rupee coin providing an autobiography.

    Autobiography of Coin | PDF | Poetry | General Fiction - Scribd

  • I am a one rupee coin.
  • Gyan IQ .com

    I am a one-rupee coin. I was made in a mint, but I do not remember it. The first place I remember is a bank. I was with a lot of other coins. We were all clean and bright. One day some of us were given to a bank customer. The customer took us back to his shop and put us into the drawer of his till. It was an old gentleman who had bought some chocolates. He gave me to his granddaughter. She was very pleased to get me. She took me home and dropped me through a slot into her piggy bank. There were several other coins there already. I made some good friends. I was there for quite a long time. One day Raney took us all out of the piggy bank and took us to a big shop. I was put in another till. Since then I have been in a great many different tills. I am now old and I am no longer bright. In fact, I am dull and dirty. Still, I have had an interesting life and I am still in use. I am happy.

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      I am a one Rupee Coin and I am writing my autobiography.

    SOLUTION: Autobiography of a one rupee coin - Studypool

  • I am a newly born one rupee coin and I joined the heap of my elder brothers minted earlier.