The prophet daniel in islam
hazrat daniyal grave | Daniel (Arabic: دانيال, Dānyāl) is. |
hazrat daniyal story | Daniel (Arabic: دانيال, Dānyāl) is usually considered by Muslims in general to have been a prophet and according to Shia Muslim hadith he was a prophet. |
hazrat daniyal in quran | Daniel (Arabic: دانيال, Dānyāl) is usually considered by Muslims in general to have been a prophet and according to Shia Muslim hadith he was a prophet. |
Daniel in Islam
Prophet of Islam
Daniel (Arabic: دانيال, Dānyāl) is usually considered by Muslims in general to have been a prophet and according to Shia Muslimhadith he was a prophet. Although he is not mentioned in the Qur'an,[1] nor in hadith of Sunni Islam, Sunni Muslim reports of him are taken from Isra'iliyyat, which bear his name and which refer to his time spent in the den of the lions.[2] There are debates, however, that go on about Daniel's time of preaching and while in reports of Shia Islam from the Shia Imams he is considered as a prophet,[3] some Muslims from other branches of Islam believe that he was not a prophet but a saintly man. Some Muslim records suggest that a book regarding apocalyptic revelations was found in a coffin, which is supposed to have contained the remains of Daniel, which was brought to light at the time of the Muslim conquest of Tustar, and buried again at the request of Umar.[4]
The story of Daniel the Apostle - إسلام ويب
Daniel in Islam - Wikiwand
Do we believe in the prophet Daniel? and can you ... - IslamQA
Who Is the Prophet Daniel? - Islam Question & Answer
- Daniel (Arabic: دانيال, Dānyāl) is usually considered by Muslims in general to have been a prophet and according to Shia Muslim hadith he was a prophet.
Daniel (a) - wikishia
- Prophet Daniel was one of the Israelite Prophets.
Who was Prophet Daniel? - Questions Archive - IslamQuest is a ...
450 Prophet Daniel Stock Photos & High-Res Pictures
Daniel in Islam - Wikipedia
- Explore the remarkable story of Daniel, the Apostle, an esteemed Prophet sent to the Children of Israel during tumultuous times in history.
Daniel Name Meaning in Islam -
- Story of Prophet Daniyal (AS).