Travel writer biography

travel writer biography

Travel literature - Wikipedia

  • Pier Nirandara is an award-winning author, travel writer, film producer, and underwater photographer.
  • List of travel books - Wikipedia

  • This piece of travel literature is a travel memoir that perfectly captures what it means to be American, even the different flavors of America seen across the country.
  • The Top Ten Most Influential Travel Books

    William H.H. Murray's guidebook to the Adirondacks “kindled a thousand camp fires and taught a thousand pens how to write of nature,” inspiring droves of American city-dwellers to venture into the wild and starting a back-to-nature movement that endures to this day. Of course, Murray's slender volume was part of a great literary tradition. For more than two millennia, travel books have had enormous influence on the way we have approached the world, transforming once-obscure areas into wildly popular destinations.

    A detailed selection would fill a library. So what follows is a brazenly opinionated short-list of travel classics—some notorious, some barely remembered—that have inspired armchair travelers to venture out of their comfort zone and hit the road. 

    1. Herodotus, Histories (c.440 BC)

    Homer's Odyssey is often referred to as the first travel narrative, creating the archetypal story of a lone wanderer, Odysseus, on a voyage f

    Paul Theroux | Biography, Books, Travel, Deep South, & Facts ...

      These 14 authors are ones you will want to grab from Amazon to read today.

    Eugene Fodor | Facts, Biography, & Travel Books | Britannica

  • Popular Travel Biography Books ; The Old Ways: A Journey on Foot Robert Macfarlane ; The Worm Forgives the Plough John Stewart Collis ; One Crowded Hour Tim Bowden.
  • Paul Theroux - Wikipedia

  • The 20th century's interwar period has been described as a heyday of travel literature when many established writers such as Graham Greene, Robert Byron, Rebecca West, Freya Stark, Peter Fleming and Evelyn Waugh were traveling and writing notable travel books.
  • Eugene Fodor (writer) - Wikipedia

      Paul Theroux is an American novelist and travel writer known for his highly personal observations on many locales.

    Pico Iyer - Wikipedia

      The French writer, Lucie Azema, has noted that the majority of travel writing is by men and even when women have written travel books, these tend to be forgotten.
    14 Best Travel Authors of All Time - Become a Writer Today
    paul theroux travel books I've received dozens of awards for my writing and editing, including the Society of American Travel Writers' Lowell Thomas Travel Journalist of the Year Award.
    paul theroux net worth Robert Byron (26 February 1905 – 24 February 1941) was an English travel writer, best known for his travelogue The Road to Oxiana.
    travel biography books Paul Edward Theroux is an American novelist and travel writer who has written numerous books, including the travelogue The Great Railway Bazaar (1975).

    Colin Thubron | Biography, Books, & Facts | Britannica

      Paul Edward Theroux (/ θ ə ˈ r uː /; [2] born April 10, ) is an American novelist and travel writer who has written numerous books, including the travelogue The Great Railway Bazaar ().