Trudi trueit biography of christopher

trudi trueit biography of christopher

Nonfction | Trudi Trueit

  • Trudi Trueit is an American author, known for her children's fiction and nonfiction titles including the EXPLORER ACADEMY series (National Geographic).
  • trudi trueit biography of christopher3

      Trudi Trueit is the author of the Explorer Academy series.

    Trueit, Trudi Strain (Trudi Trueit)


    Born , in Seattle, WA; married Bill Trueit. Education: Pacific Lutheran University, B.A. Hobbies and other interests: Drawing, painting, photography.


    Home and office—Everett, WA. Agent—Rosemary Stimola, Stimola Literary Studio, Chase Ct., Edgewater, NJ [email&#;protected].


    Trueit Media, president and chief executive officer. Formerly worked as a television news reporter, weather forecaster, journalist, media specialist, and news anchor.



    The Water Cycle, Franklin Watts (New York, NY),

    Storm Chaser, Franklin Watts (New York, NY),

    Clouds, Franklin Watts (New York, NY),

    Octopuses, Squids, and Cuttlefish, Franklin Watts (New York, NY),

    Rain, Hail, and Snow, Franklin Watts (New York, NY),

    Fossils, Franklin Watts (New York, NY),

    Eating Disorders, Franklin Watts (New York, NY),

    Earthquakes, Franklin Watts (New York, NY),

    Lizards, Children's Pr

    Books by Trudi Trueit (Author of The Nebula Secret) - Goodreads

  • Welcome to the official page of author Trudi Trueit!
  • trudi trueit biography of christopher1

      Trudi Trueit is an American author, known for her children's fiction and nonfiction titles including the EXPLORER ACADEMY series (National Geographic).

    Explorer Academy Series by Trudi Trueit - Goodreads

  • Trudi Trueit writes stories packed with adventure, mystery, friendship, and hope; stories that reminds us to forge our own path and be our own hero!
  • Trueit, Trudi Strain 1963- (Trudi Trueit) -
    A young reader who came from Quincy, WA (halfway across the state).
    Trudi Trueit is the author of the Explorer Academy series.
    Trudi Trueit knew she'd found her life's passion after writing (and directing) her first play in fourth grade.

    trudi trueit biography of christopher4

  • I'm a former TV news reporter and weather forecaster and I got my start in children’s literature writing library books for middle grade readers about the weather.
  • Trudi Trueit List of Books - Book Notification

      I'm a former TV news reporter and weather forecaster and I got my start in children’s literature writing library books for middle grade readers about the weather.

    Trudi Trueit - Book Author - National Geographic - LinkedIn

      Born and raised in the Pacific Northwest, Trueit lives in Everett, Washington.